Friday, December 26, 2008

Hold on to Your Hats

We are now weeks away from the Obama inauguration. Unemployment continues to climb, lines at the food pantries, shelters and other services become longer. Corporate America is doing its very best to keep us all calm and pliable. The mainstream media presents the current days as a bit difficult, but something we will pull out of-perhaps within a year. Yet if one turns to any source of media or information with intact integrity, then one sees a very different picture.

The beginning of the economic scares, as all economic scares in our history, was controlled. The Wall Street, Banking and Washington elite put a great amount of time and care into developing the climate to be receptive to such threat and panics. Like the Wall Street/Congressional collaborations of the '20's, legislation was drafted favoring deregulation-"respect for our free markets"-the oversight of financial practices and their affect on the wealth producing People was disregarded. Congressmen Phil Gramm (who worked on McCain's campaign), Jim Leach and their cohorts rewrote legislation, passed in the wake of the great depression, and reopened the doors to corruption, and national robbery.

Now everyone is simply hoping Obama will change things. Fat chance. Obama has named Paul Volckner of 1980's recession fame to the newly created Presdent's Economic Recovery Advisory Board; Tim Geithner, of the New York Federal Reserve, worked with the Bush administration to orchestrate the beginning of the fall '08 economic panic-by allowing Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt. Mr Geithner was recently nominated by President-Elect Obama for Secretary of the Treasury. Jim Leach has been acting throughout the beginnings of the panic as Obama's economic advisory. If one is hoping that this charismatic young leader is going to lead us out of this crisis-one is going to be sadly disappointed.

The following paragraph is taken from an article by Global Research.

"In the period from August 1929 until he left office President Herbert Hoover oversaw a 43-month long contraction of the US economy of 33%. Barack Obama looks set to break that record, to preside over what historians could likely call the Very Great Depression of 2008-2014, unless he finds a new cast of financial advisers before Inauguration Day, January 20. Required are not recycled New York Fed presidents, Paul Volckers or Larry Summers types. Needed is a radically new strategy to put virtually the entire United States economy into some form of an emergency 'Chapter 11' bankruptcy reorganization where banks take write-offs of up to 90% on their toxic assets, that, in order to save the real economy for the American population and the rest of the world. Paper money can be shredded easily. Not human lives. In the process it might be time for Congress to consider retaking the Federal Reserve into the Federal Government as the Constitution originally specified, and make the entire process easier for all. If this sounds extreme, perhaps revisit this article in six months again.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Return of Light

Here we are-solstice. Hannukah. Christmas and Kwanza. What do we celebrate? The return of the Sun, of course. Since our earliest days, man has stood in awe of the return of the Sun with the winter solstice. Though we may celebrate the "birth of the lord" we are really celebrating the return of the light, the point when the short days have reached their shortest-and now the slow return of the warmth of the Sun can be keenly felt.

It is no coincidence that every salvationist religion turns the time of the winter solstice into a celebration for the birth of some "lord". Is is, after all, nearly impossible to undo millions of years of human habit and spiritual evolution. No matter what religion may be currently claiming the winter (or spring) holy days, the face of creation is not overshadowed. The ever turning world, the ever growing universe do not bow to new saviors-only the old laws of life. That summer shall fall into winter-that winter too shall rule and cede its throne. That this shining jewel of a planet will one day wither and pass on into new form. That the tides of life are eternal, and all have a place in creation.

I wish no merry christmases. I wish only peace, in this "season of peace". I wish that all those herding to church or temple or gift laden tree would look past the superiority of their dogma, and see that divine charge which flows through all life. I wish that this year christians and jews and muslims and salvationists of all stripes, will LISTEN to the words of their chosen lords, and live and work in peace.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Faith of Obama

President-Elect Obama rode a wave of change and hope-all the way to the White House. Even when he and Biden came out openly against marriage equality, they promised change and hope. The election of our first President of color and the repeal by voters of other voters' civil rights in the same election offers startling insight into America.

Obama's mantra was as effective as any of the Bushite slogans. "Change! Change!" Even as Obama pushed for the bailout of the worst crooks and thieves-the people said "change". Obama pledges to take troops out of Iraq and send them to Afghanistan-escalating costly military endeavors. "Change". Now, President-Elect Obama will have Rev. Rick Warren invoke divine blessings on his first term in the Oval Office.

And who is Rick Warren? Remmber the "cone of silence" debacle at Saddleback Church? That is where you find Rev Warren-that is where you can hear him preach in support of such political measures as Proposition 8.

Obama/Biden gleefully and proudly came out against marriage equality (but not against hospital visitations). Obama had no trouble, as the first "black" candidate of the Democratic Party standing up for hope and freedom and a united America. But his support does not travel far. After denying support to millions of Americans (who, let's face it, voted overwhelmingly for him) he invites Rick Warren to deliver the inaugural invocation. They seem to be oblivious to the hypocrisy of such a move.

If Obama is a Constitutional scholar, I would like to hear his rationale on this one. How do you support a piece of legislation "respecting an establishment of religion" that prohibits the "free excercise there of"? Not every faith supports marriage discrimination. Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and many other faiths perform same sex marriages. The fact that a religiously motivated law can strip us of our rights and be supported by the President [Elect] is of grave concern to us all. This is not change-this is Bush policy, all over again. And how different is the support of Prop 8 and the pushing of anti-American legislation like the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, etc?

Obama's support of Warren is no different than Bush's support of the likes of Falwell and Robertson. Mixing politics and holy rollers leads only to fragmentation, inequality and fear driven policy. Bush committed himself to a strong relationship with Evangelical faiths, he committed himself to a War on "Terror" and to defending "traditional" values. If Obama is pledging to continue these Wars on "Terror", to support "traditional" values and to reach out to the Evangelical communities, where and when do We the People come into this administration's equation? If Obama is going to borrow from the Bush book on maintaining power in the US, is that not a clear indicator of the type of change Obama seeks?

If this "change"-then We are in for four more years of misery.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Two Shoes for the War Criminal

My heart leaps with pride for Mutadar al-Zeidi. God bless this brave journalist, who has survived the Hussein dictatorship, the American invasion and occupation, kidnapping and torture. Will he survive throwing two shoes at George W Bush, though?

How fitting that Bush, showing up in Iraq and speaking of America's dependability, is greeted with the queen of all Iraqi insults. After hurling his shoes and screaming "this is your farewell kiss, you dog!", Mr al-Zeidi was tackled to the floor, and hauled, bleeding profusely, from the room. He is still in the custody of Nouri al-Maliki's guards, leading journalists across the middle-east and grateful citizens around the world to stand in demand for his release.

Throughout his mid-east tour, Bush has uttered such salt in the wound statements as "the war is not over; it is decisively on its way to being won". While he was ducking shoes, Bush looked completely at ease, like he was having a pillow fight. He said later that he does not feel that "you can take one guy throwing his shoes and say this represents a broad movement in Iraq. You can try to do that if you want but I don't think that would be accurate"...cos you know how informed Bush is! "You were more concerned than I was" Bush went on to joke with the assembled press core; "I'm pretty good at ducking, as most of you know. I'm talking about ducking your questions".

Bush, the Hitler of our generation, has been loudly and confidently espousing his belief and praise of the War on "Terror" and his belief, indeed faith, that our next President will continue his policies. He strolled through his war torn legacy, all smiles and ease, spewing the greatness of America, and how much better off the Iraqi and Afghani People are today than they were eight years ago.

And how many deluded Americans still praise this man? How many "patriotic" Americans still rally behind this beast? Today, they will be calling Mr al-Zeidi, who has survived so much, a terrorist, a crazy man. They will still be saluting the War on "Terror" and the loss of the Bill of Rights as the cost of the "post 9/11 world". These sad, uninformed Americans are just as culpable as the uninformed, push over "patriots" that allowed the Nazi party to rise to power, subvert the rule of law, and launch pre-emptive "nationl security" wars.

I salute you, Mutadar al-Zeidi. You have spoken loudly, bravely-and we who cherish freedom above profit shall sing your name with honor.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Robert Kagan: Mouthpiece for Empire

At the beginning of the week, I was invited to attend a World Affairs Council event, featuring Robert Kagan. A neo-con insider and founding member of the Project for a New American Century, Kagan spent the evening pandering to the ideals of freedom while promoting the ideals of empire.

The evening's talk was titled "The Future of Foreign Policy Challenges for the Obama Administration". Kagan led off the talk with glowing reviews of Hilary Clinton, who he deems "strong and principled" as our next top diplomat. In his glowing endorsement of the Obama nominations for cabinet, Kagan observed that two-thirds could have been chosen by Senator McCain. You're not going to see "a dramatic shift in choices" with Obama's administration, he informed us. This is going to be a "centrist" administration.

Talk quickly moved into "National Security" and the War on "Terror". Mr Kagan was quite excited that "some of the top leaders" of the Mumbai attacks had been arrested in Pakistan (so far, only "suspected terrorists" have been arrested and no charges issued-as usual). "Perhaps Mumbai will be enough to set Pakistan on the right course" he went on. This led, quite naturally, into talk of Afghanistan. Mr Kagan is proudly supporting a troop surge (over 20,000) into the region with the incoming Obama administration. He believes "Obama should go to Europe" and pursue alliances for the further occupation of Afghanistan. Apparently, if we have allies in the occupation, it will be less contentious.

When asked by Jane Wales (conducting the forum, and President of the World Affairs Council of Northern California) "how dangerous is Iran", Mr Kagan jumped immediately into "Iran will have a nuclear bomb within a year". He had no trouble leaping to such claims, and even conflated Iran and Iraq with "a kid coming out of an alley and pointing a toy gun at the Police", thereby excusing the Police gunning down the kid. He uses this analogy to condone leaving a residual force of 50-70 thousand troops in Iraq and taking the fight to Iran next.

As talk of "safety" continued, Kagan promoted "Humanitarian Interventions". He referenced our "humanitarian" efforts in Panama, Haiti, Iraq, Somalia, Kosovo and Bosnia. Never was American training of death squads, bombing of urban areas, recruitment, arming and training of "al-Qaeda" forces or use of depleted uranium in the bombs dropped mentioned. "America has a special roll to play, as many predecessors have believed" he explained. It is quite amazing how "little intervention exhaustion we have considering these two grinding wars". Mr Kagan was quite confident that America will get behind any future "humanitarian interventions" that may arise-say in Iran.

Through the rest of the interview, Mr Kagan expounded on Russia, which seeks to "regain its empire" and China, with whom we utilize "engagement and containment" policy. He truly presented himself as a competent mouthpiece for fascism. He used all the right phrases ("humanitarian intervention" instead of invasion and attack, "centrist economics" instead of "corporatocracy"), he stood behind the choices of the Democrat President-Elect and even took a few chides at the current regime. Through it all he was warm, friendly, charming. He was all glows and smiles at the mention of the Project for a New American Century and the need to expand the global War on "Terror".

The coup de gras was the horrid observation that Obama need not go on a listening tour, and that the American People do not care if Obama listens to us, because we only need him to lead-not listen. Ms Jane Wales, who had been handed stacks of cards with questions from the audience, found her way to asking three of them (all three being quite innocuous). I am not surprised that my question (why is American aid to dictatorships that sponsor terror never cited as a cause for global terrorism?) asked. I am surprised that the audience seemed duped by the rhetoric, and quite at ease with his predictions for the future of our foreign poicy.

If what Mr Kagan (and Mr Obama and Mrs Rodham-Clinton, et al) espouse is anything to go by, then we are indeed fucked.

Monday, December 8, 2008

God Bless the Chicago Strikers

I am overjoyed to see the news that 200 laid off employees are sitting in. The continued war against the working People of America is slowly coming to a head. As the strikers said to CNN, Bank of America made the decision not to extend financing to this facility-which means no pay for the employees, no sick time, no owed vacation time and no severance. It is amazing that Bank of America can now play such a heavy hand in determining the direction of American businesses.

At the same time, the People of Iceland have led some intense actions against the Central Bank and the Police Department. After a protester was arrested in Reykjavik, thousand of Icelanders stormed the Police Station, demanding the release of the protester (who's bail was posted anonymously). A few days after surrounding the Police Station, the People of Iceland stormed the Central Bank, demanding greater accountability in the financial sector and an end to American privatization practices.

The American Way is moving too far, too fast. The push to hand all services to private corporations is wreaking havoc across Canada, the EU and well...the rest of the world. The needs of the restless many are being buried further and further by the needs of already overly wealthy aristocrats. It is not our "freedom" that we are exporting-it is our dedication to tyranny, greed and the profit of the few at the expense of the many.

It was such recklessness and greed to inspired the People of 18th century France to design and build the guillotine (and put it to use). The aims of men like Bush, and the CEO's of Wall Street and Detroit may not be evil by intent-but they are evil by design. When the needs of one's bank account and stock portfolio take precedence over the needs of one's labor force, one has indeed become part of the problem. Bush shows the same air-headed, "let them eat cake" attitude that brought down the foolhardy monarchs of Europe. His consistent lack of understanding the needs of the American People can only be considered ill informed for so long before he is seen as cold, callous and, well...evil.

The current economic crisis will be used mercilessly to union bust. Right now the Big Three are blaming Union labor for the ruin of Detroit. Somehow, agreeing to raises, health care and vacation and sick time (about 10% of the cost of a new car) is killing the automakers. Nowhere do these crooks mention their own multi-million dollar yearly bonuses, nor their own compensation costs in terms of benefits, private jets, etc. They simply point to the labor, those that produce their wealth for them, as the problem. The "great cost" of Union labor will used to justify shutting down more auto manufacturing sites, and sending them to Canada (national health care) or Mexico and points further afield (no regulations).

I support and admire my brothers and sisters in Chicago, Detroit, and Reykjavik. The strength of these men and women in the face of oncoming economic ruin is a soul tonic. As we descend further into the hole, I believe more and more of us will be galvanized into such actions. As the famous Industrial Workers of the World slogan goes: "An injury to one is an injury to all".

In solidarity-

Friday, December 5, 2008

Nancy a Whore

Last night, myself and some other die-hards trundled on down to the San Francisco Historical Society. We had heard through the grapevine that La Pelosi was going to be there, hawking her new book "Know Your Power: A Message to America's Daughters". True enough, there she was, in all her millionaire glory.

Pelosi regaled the audience with her "folksy" stories of growing up in a mayor's mansion, her deep Roman Catholic faith, her great power ("President, Vice-President, Speaker of the House" as she is fond of reiterating). And when all was said and done, she had no time for questions-just autographs and picture taking.

Through out her speaking engagement, we outside kept a loud speaking engagement of our own. "What about the Geneva Conventions?" "War Criminal" "Corporate Whore". Every time the door to the historical society opened, the assembled audience was treated to the sounds of the First Amendment in action. Apparently she did address our presence, under the impression that all we want is for "George Bush to be impeached". We want more than that.

We want investigations. We want Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic majority to live up to their word and end the war. For two years the Dems have been playing the "We don't approve of this war or this administration" card. Well, for two years, with Pelosi at the helm of the House, we have gotten nowhere. La Pelosi was briefed on illegal domestic-surveillance, rendition, torture and black-site prisons. And did she uphold her oath to defend our Constitution, which prohibits such actions?? No. She endorsed them and kept quiet.

Now, Nancy Pelosi, Queen of the Whores (no offense to sex workers!!) is selling out the People in the most literal fashion. She has refused to hold the government (George Bush's Government) accountable-and she is handing Wall Street and the Big Auto and Oil Industries the same get out of jail free card. She is endorsing multi-trillion dollar bailouts for her social cirlce-the Wall Street Elite. She has supported ending the Endangered Species Act, turned course and endorsed more off-shore oil drilling; she continues to bring every war funding and military appropriations bill to table while keeping Constitutional Accountability in a dank closet somewhere.

Nancy Pelosi is a Whore. A moral whore; a corporate whore; war whore. She will sell anything sacred to the People for another million in stock options. She will gladly drop bombs on school children to cash a dividend check. The only time this "Representative" shows up in the district is to hawk her book or fund raise. She refuses to hold or come to Town Halls and makes a policy of throwing People out of her office.

Nancy Pelosi, you are a Whore, lacking in all integrity. It is a great shame that we must pay for your poor management and your crimes against the People.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Next week we celebrate the 61st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Read it. Know it. Teach it. Live it.

An American Troop Pact

The big question: What will the US do when the UN mandate expires on 31 December, 2008? The Iraqi President's Council has signed a Troop Pact, calling for US forces to withdraw from all Iraqi cities by 30 June, and for all forces to have withdrawn by 1 January, 2012. This new decision, signed by the Kurdish President and two Councilors (one Shiite, one Sunni) will go before the voters in referendum this coming year.

Long time anti-occupation leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, refutes the agreement. After years of degradation in this savage war, al-Sadr is calling for peaceful protests and the immediate withdrawal of US military forces.

This agreement commits the next three years to big military spending, contractors receiving billions to strap on ammo and kill; this is three more years of soldiers coming home broken-and pitifully inadequate care or concern for them when they return. The human cost of this stupid endeavor is never mentioned, and to allow pictures of the carnage-or simply a flag draped coffin-is too divisive for the American People to witness. Do the American People share Barbara Bush's sentiments: "Why would waste my beautiful mind thinking about that?"

The number of suicides, attempted and successful, by our returning vets has barely been hinted at. The death toll we hear, when we hear it, is a safe "over 4,000". There is no addition of the soldiers we solicit from Latin America. When they are killed in the field, their tags are removed-and they left there. The promise of becoming US citizens dies unrealized. Let's also add the number of soldiers who die not in Iraq of their injuries, but in hospitals in Germany or the US. Because they have died (by wounds received in Iraq) in Germany or the US, they are not counted as casualties of this occupation. And the number of veteran suicides is certainly not counted.

These young Americans are coming home plagued by nightmares. They see the dead, in the most gruesome reality, every night. The crimes that they have committed or witnessed, the accidents and moments of panic do not stay in Iraq. The ghosts and demons of this holocaust travel with these soldiers; and all access to laying these demons to rest is kept out of reach. Plagued by nightmares, by panic and fits of rage and grief, these young vets do not receive care-they are ridiculed, they are asked about their love lives and money worries. They are steered away from veterans benefits and counseling-they turned away, by our government, military and Veteran's Associations, to put a gun to their head, a pill to their lips or a rope around their necks.

I agree with those calling for immediate withdrawal. We can ill afford these ventures. The fiscal cost of the War on "Terror", the human cost, the cost to our dignity as a nation and a species is already too great to continue. No security has been wrought out of the War on "Terror". No great freedom has come-only the loss of millions of lives to violence-and millions of souls to its bitter grasp.

Monday, December 1, 2008

More Heartless Apologies

Ain't it grand that a war mongering bastard can go on national television and "apologize"? A few weeks ago President Bush went on the waves to say that Laura had admonished him on his choice of words. The President said that "bring 'em on" and "mission accomplished" may have sent the wrong message to the People and to our "enemies".

Well, I have news for you, asshole. That sad sack apology, and the one you are now puking out on Charlie Gibson's show, are not accepted. You cannot leave office the most hated man in the history of the world and make it OK with "I was unprepared for war". Any President who enters office with plans drawn up to invade and partition another nation is clearly preparing for war. Any President who receives intelligence memos saying "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" is clearly going to have to prepare for the possibility of war. Deliberately antagonizing "enemies" that you yourself will never have to face down is not only adding fuel to their fire-it is endangering the welfare of the soldiers you are sending in to do your dirty work. Calling the Iraq invasion and war a victory, a "Mission Accomplished" was not only sending the wrong message, it was a slap in the face to the servicemen and their families who have not finished accomplishing your mission.

What this War Criminal failed to do with his apologies was to apologize. It was the apology of a serial abuser: "I know I beat the hell out of you, and put you in the hospital...but I'm sorry, baby. I love you. I won't do that again". The profound lack of feeling any responsibility for all of the damage [he] caused is excruciating to bare. He has asked us to forgive him for putting his foot in his mouth. He has asked us to forgive him for encouraging practices that led directly to our economic collapse. He has asked forgiveness for destroying the fabric of freedom. He asked us to forgive him for failing as a man, as an American and as a President...because he loves us?? Because he's leaving the White House and won't be around to abuse us any longer? Does he think these "apologies" will quiet our demands for prosecution and imprisonment??

Well, unlike a forgiving partner, this traitor has abused the American People. We are not one lost, loving, frightened victim. We are hundreds of millions of strong, tenacious, just People. The precedent set by these monsters will be set right. The pattern of abuse will be ended-and these fuckers will end up where all monsters belong-in dank holes, far away from civilization.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shades of Mumbai

When I was 19 I stood on a street corner in Manhattan and watched the twin towers fall. Through out the course of the day I could not get away from the sense that something bigger was brewing...and not in al Qaeda's cauldron. The launch of America's newest war (after our War on Poverty, our War on Drugs, our War on Violence, etc) harkens to another War on Terror-one launched by a little man remembered as Adolf Hitler.

With the attacks carried out in Mumbai over the weekend, I have a sickening sense that this is just propelling us faster into the ultimate police state. Of course it is no coincidence that Mumbai is financial capital of the Indian sub-continent. Nor that the attack was carried in such way that foreigners (among them Brits and Yanks) were killed. What is coincidental is that Pakistanis are being linked to the attacks in a time when we are looking for reason to spread our Empire into Pakistan, Iran and the greater Middle East.

In the same way that the "training" of al Qaeda alleged hijackers in Afghanistan has allowed us to bomb the fuck out of the Afghanis, there is (conveniently enough) cause to extend that fight now Pakistan. Oh, yes. The Pakistanis were our brothers in the Axis of the Willing-and sure we backed their dictator, Musharaf-but they need to feel the awesome power of freedom now too! The al Qaeda members hiding out in Pakistan need to be rooted out. We will accept no threat to our security.

Now, let's take a minute, shall we. When Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds of Northern Iraq, he did so with US support. When the dictators of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan (more allies of freedom) detain, render and torture people with American support, it is an act of defense. When the dictatorships of South America rendered, tortured and killed people, again with loud US support, they were defending freedom. When "insurgents" in Iraq attack military bases (with piddling mortars) or Palestinians throw rocks at Israeli driven US tanks, it is terrorism. If a Palestinian were to detain and torture an Israeli, it is a violation of convention-when Israel detains and tortures a Palestinian, it is policy.

Throughout the War on Terror, American and Allied forces have reported large amounts of missing money and materials. How do large amounts of materials, kept responsibly by the American military and Private Mercenaries just disappear? And what about the British and American citizens arrested after joy riding around, gunning down Iraqis, while dressed in robes and fake beards? What of our financial support and CIA training of agents like Osama bin Laden? Is it possible that the current Bush, like his grandfather Prescott, is funding both sides of this war? Is it possible that perhaps there is no real enemy, and that investors like Cheney and Prince Osama bin Laden are merely waging a "war" for the purpose of their own dividend checks?

The chief way to end terrorism is to stop endorsing it as Policy. The amount of military aid given by the American tax payer to dictatorships around the world is the largest amount of state sponsored terrorist money circling the globe. We do not need to fear "rogue regimes" like Iran. We need to fear our own rogue regime-the Military Industrial Complex, the Federal Reserve and the State Department. The leader of terrorism around the globe, hands down, is American foreign policy.

As the Obama emperorship is transitioning, we will see all of the hype of the coming "test" by terrorists. All of our domestic wiretapping, all of our preemptive invasion, and infiltration will surely not hit the mark and we will be subjected to more violence.

These "tests" don't pass the smell test. Why have the last eight years passed without investigation? Why have the last sixty years of Imperial American policy passed without oversight? Why are the Republocrats so convinced (almost gloating) that an attack is coming? Perhaps like other terrorist states we are witnessing state endorsed attacks. Perhaps by turning a blind eye (refer to the Downing Street Memo) we are forced to go along with assaults on the Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions.

It is a frightening era in which we live. One in which the reigning superpower, like the British Empire before it, will rage around the globe unchecked, leaving behind a devastated planet, a raped and tortured populace and a legacy of shame to last the ages.


There is nothing I need so badly that I have to stampede a Wal-Mart, tear the fucking doors off and trample an employee to death. On second no needs that great. And, let's be honest, what does any Wal-Mart have worth trampling someone TO DEATH?? And the poor guy, killed yesterday in a Wal-Mart on Long Island isn't alone. Here in California in Toys 'R Us, two dueling couples started a shoot out.

Every year we watch the holiday shopping roll our earlier; the music is on sooner; the dread of the lines and the arguing is catching us before we're aware of it. But it doesn't need to lead to murder, people!! The excesses of yesterday's tragedies highlight some frightening prospects. If people are this crazed when it comes to getting their hands on mountains of cheaply made Chinese crap from the dollar bin, how are they going to handle standing on line for bread or toilet paper?

There were times, not so long ago, when days like "Thanksgiving" were about giving thanks. Even with no heat, with limited piles of food to pig out on, we were a truly thankful people. There were times, not so long ago, when this time of year was magical; people extended hands in gracious generosity-the measure of the greatest gift was the joy of the person receiving it. The smallest gifts garner the greatest joy; the simplest moments or offerings-symbols of the intimacy between us-these are the treasures that stood up as "holiday spirit".

We have a wealth of literature and music and film that still elucidates theses qualities. "The Gift of the Magi" and "It's a Wonderful Life". Not over the top artistic creations-but reminders of the simplicity and honesty that are the bedrock of the holiday magic. So much beauty comes out of us-and NONE comes from trampling people to death to buy shit to prove to someone that you love them.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Socialism, anyone?

So, if the recent "elections" have taught us anything-it is that America does not cower before the word "Socialism" any longer. Through out the spectacular mud-slinging contest that is American elections, the People were not horrified by the idea that Obama might be a Socialist.

And why should Socialism frighten anyone. All of my European friends are quite comfortable with the aspects of Socialism that they live with. I have yet to hear an Austrian, Scandinavian or Frenchman say "my universal-non-profit health care is horrible". Nor have I heard "It is awful to have free university education. Just wretched. And the five weeks paid holiday a year is killing me!!"

If a Capitalist society is pre-occupied with CAPITAL, then its ability to secure a prosperous and healthy nation is going to diminish. The focus of our communities should not be to expand the capital held by the ruling few-as the current toilet that we are in suggests. Conversely, a Socialist society, with a pre-occupation with the SOCIETY, tends to turn out well adjusted, educated and healthy citizens.

Embracing a socialistic tax policy, that requires the richest to pay more in taxes, is embracing a Democratic Economic policy. That is what Socialism is-Democratic Economics. The poor and the working and middle classes cease to be the whipping boys of investors. The men at the top are required to offer up their fair share of sacrifice. They must drop up to forty percent of their billions into the common tax pool. It is this ethos that assures every man, woman and child has health care and access to education, training and the services necessary to keep oneself functioning as a part of the society. How else is one to rely on a workforce to turn out car parts, television sets and millions of restaurant meals a year?

If you ask the richest people in Sweden or Finland what they think about their high tax margins, they would say "it's fair". These financiers and developers are not willing to walk through cities that look like our cities here in America-swarming with homeless people, people lost to addiction and violence, roving gangs of directionless youth. The people of more socialist countries will not watch their fellow country men fall into despair and depravity because it is profitable for this disparity to exist. They bite the bullet and contribute to the preservation of their nation's health and freedom.

And if you think Socialism means giving up your freedom, you need to do some more research. When a choice in direction is before the nation, the people of countries like France, Norway, the UK, or Spain will step up and be heard. And if they are ignored-they will shut down the country and the government. Can you imagine what America would be like if we all had free health are? Or equal and free access to University? Or a guaranteed paid holiday that lasted a month every year? Can you imagine how much more dignified and happy all of would feel? Can you imagine our trade unions having the ability or chutzpah to shut down the highways of America in protest of wars for oil? Or price gouging?

Do you see why that would be so threatening? The people who still use "Socialist" as a bogey man are quite obviously people who profit from our poverty. Anyone who tells us that equal access to the necessities of life is communist is looking to line his own pockets-at our expense. I suggest it is the fervent capitalists who are the threat. Anyone who would put their profit margin above the health of their work force or the environment is a criminal-and a threat to freedom.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt

Dear Eleanor,

The times, they are strange. This world you fought for and believed in is coming apart. Every day the freedom you defended and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that you helped draft are under assault.

We have come through eight years that too closely resemble those of the great enemy of your day. Eight years of lies, torture, growth of a police state, abridgment of civil liberties. I should like to look at our first President of color as a blessing-but I know his back is watched by Wall Street-and there in the police state lies.

We have much work to do, my dear. I hope very much to maintain my optimism; that I may have the same boundless energy and dedication as you yourself did. I take great comfort in images of you-always on the hustle-talking to soldiers, to people on the soup lines, to the homeless. It is marvelous to count such ladies, such patriots as yourself among our cultural heroes and national treasures. Perhaps the coming hardships shall galvanize many millions more of us into the ranks of 21st century Armies of Eleanors! Can you imagine that? Hundreds of millions of Americans taking to the streets, taking on the structure of the establishment and working ceaselessly for something so much grander than ourselves.

I echo your prayer, dear Eleanor, for "a world made new".

A Year for Strong Women

Through the process of electoral politics this year, we have been blessed with the voices of some strong women. Cynthia McKinney, running on the Green Party ticket for President with VP Rosa Clemente, and Cindy Sheehan, running as an Independent in California's 8th Congressional District.

McKinney was the first House member to introduce articles of impeachment against state terrorists George Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice. Throughout the aftermath of September 11th, McKinney did not shy away from demanding real investigations into the many unanswered questions surrounding the event. She bravely called out the grave possibility (and as we learned, reality) of the administration having prior knowledge of an imminent attack. She voted against the illegal invasion of Iraq and has fought the anti-Constitutional legislation drives of the last eight years.

Cindy Sheehan has also been a loud voice for accountability. From her days camping in front of the Bush "ranch" in Crawford, TX to running for Congress, Sheehan has looked the corporate beast in the face and called it by its name. Not one to mince words, Sheehan has stated quite plainly that Bush is a terrorist and that domestic surveillance, illegal war, rendition and torture and the takeover of America by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street amount to a coup.

These two women stand far above the level of integrity that any Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin or Nancy Pelosi could ever reach. It takes uncompromising dedication to something much larger than one's self to speak as a defender of freedom. Neither of these ladies has been co-opted by the corporate power structure. Neither of these women are willing to make compromises with the elite for the sake of a political career.

In the wake of the elections, as America celebrates the soon to be end of the Bush Regime, the voices of Cynthia McKinney and Cindy Sheehan will continue to lead the People. The clarity of vision, the true change that these fine Americans bring to the national discourse is vital. It is the strength of such ladies that forged the Revolutionary generation. It is their faith in what freedom means, and how tangible it truly is, that sets the souls of a nation ablaze for something brighter. Neither lady is serving in elected office this year, but neither lady is backing down from the fight, and neither lady has abdicated her duty to the defense of Liberty.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Education=National Security

Both Obama is in the business of keeping the Military Industrial Complex alive. To continue to harp on the need of adding troops to Afghanistan or the success of the surge only continues to glorify the Empire.

We are in crisis because our focus on "national security" is honed in on perceived external threats, silencing dissent at home and protecting the investors (who allegedly let some of that profit "trickle down"). The theory that by increasing spending on surveillance, bombs and tanks is going to keep us safe is baloney. To flog the surge as the salvation of Iraq-to call for "victory" and triumph over "defeat" is spit in the faces of We the People. There can be no victory when we are the aggressors-but there will be defeat when we have completely bankrupted ourselves in "defending" our freedom.

Our country suffered the same stupidity during the imperialist war of my parents' generation-Viet Nam. They too watched their soldiers return home scarred inside and out-to end up on the streets. They too had to debate over funding the Military at the expense of Education and Health Care. They too were told that this was war for our survival. The continuation of putting military defense above national defense must end-or else America ends.

It is no coincidence that countries with a system like that in Norway are the most stable. The investment in the people, as the highest priority, as the most precious natural resource ensures a secure and safe nation. When the people of a nation are brought up with the respect and dignity of which they are deserving, their conduct in the world reflects and continues that dignity and respect. By ensuring that their youth grow up with developed minds, with developed faculties and capabilities, then the people are more able to lead their nation.

If we want a secure America, then we have to start with our security in America-as citizens. By providing for the education of all our citizens, then we provide for our future. We provide ourselves with the doctors teachers and engineers vital to our sustainability. If we make the health and welfare of all Americans priority number one, then we make a commitment to the longevity of our Republic. A nation is only as strong as the weakest of its citizens-the crisis we face today will only become graver if we continue to allow our interests to be thrown under the bus in the name of "national security".

A nation of patriots only comes about when the nation is thriving, is filled with self-worth, with the knowledge that we sink or swim together. Our dedication to profit and ignorance is not something we asked for, but it is something we enable. We must, as Andrew Bacevich says, "look in the mirror". We must be strong enough-NOW- to look at where we have come as a people, what we have given up, what we have been duped into accepting as our priorities. If we cannot face that image in the mirror-then this is indeed the end.

See ya in the polls.

give me liberty

give me liberty or give me death-nothing less will do. the challenge to renew our belief in sovereignty is the bedrock of our dignity. freedom comes at a great price-vigilance. our sacrifice ensures that our legacy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is sustained.

the revolution never ended. every day we revolt-we challenge ourselves to be better, to be braver, to speak a greater truth. the efforts of centuries of freedom fighters has won us nothing when we turn our faces from our generation's fight. we ourselves become traitors when we say that the road is too hard, too confusing-what can i do?

we are living through a coup. we are facing our destruction. the bill of rights is become a memory-the constitution is a tradition; radical christians are grabbing the reins of government with the aid of disaster capitalists. the revolution is here and it is not being televised. the last thirty years has seen a proliferation of domestic terrorism, orchestrated by the states, the corporations and the churches. we have been attacked with campaigns of fear. we have been raped and told to marry our rapist for our future protection.

if We-as the People-are to survive the coming days then We the People must act. the criminality of the current regime is a threat to the security of the world. to end the largest terrorist state in history the real terrorists must be arrested, indicted, imprisoned. if a government betrays the People, the People are obligated to arrest and imprison those traitors-we are obliged to destroy any government that does not serve us and convene ourselves to construct a new society.

if we do indeed have elections this november 4th, we are lucky-for there is still a chance to evict and arrest those guilty of treason. if there is no election (or its fruits are denied flowering) then we shall be seeing each-other in the streets...


I have faith in you.

It is a proven fact that we, the people, of whatever color or design are amazing. We have stood up to the crowned royals of the world and said "enough". We have stood up to slave holders, to factories that stole our children, to a government that denied women the vote, denied people of color equal access; we have moved the world, we small humans.

If there is one gift I should give you, it would be the key to your dignity. If I could show you how strong each of us truly is, how full of the answers-I would certainly be giving you the greatest gift of all. I cannot give you your dignity-but I can tell you it's there, waiting for you.

Our voices amount to very little individually...or so it seems. But when we come together, when our courage to stand up brings us together, we small mortals topple empires, destroy the chains of oppression and truly create the path to righteousness ourselves-

that is true power.

Drawing back the Curtain

If a people become truly duped-Orwell style-how long before the People awake? In these days, as the curtain closes on a free society, can we tip the scale? The economic scale is certainly doomed-but the fate of our Republic is much more open to change and influence.

A common consensus (85%) is that we are heading in the wrong direction. More than that eighty-five percent believe corporations have far too much power & influence in government. The people drawing these conclusions are very near to connecting all of the dots...pretty scary proposition for the "power" wielders.

The days are racing forward. One finish line is on the horizon (Nov. 4) and that finish line is the starting line of a whole new marathon. The course of our evolution requires ever more our guiding hand-of the People. By the People. For the People. No other power stands above We, the People.

Orwell and Atwood presented us with possibilities. They constructed tyrannical societies where every word is precious, where the keys to knowledge are closely guarded and complacency ruthlessly enforced. We know that truth is stranger than fiction (just look at the last 8 years). Still, we are not unaware of the parallels between the Big Brother and an ever expanding network of surveillance here in the land of the "free".

These parallels reinforce our resolve. We see deceit where it stands. We know hate speak and doublespeak-we understand the tools of obfuscation. We see the face of grand betrayal and are heeding the call to slay it. The precedent set by the Patriot Act (a truly Orwellian name for this fascist legislation) and all associated "anti-terror" legislation is not only coming straight from "1984", but from every dictatorship to steal power in the last century.

The "War on Terror" is a war on Freedom. If we are hated "for our freedoms" then is giving up those freedoms not handing victory over to the "enemy"

Keep Your Christ to Yourself

Keep your Christ to yourself

How many more years do we have to play this game? Have we completely given up on the 1st amendment? For all of the "this is a christian nation" assholes out there-read the Constitution. To assume that the bible (which was compiled by a Roman Emperor and his advisors for the purposes of instituting a new state religion) is the authority on morality and dignity is ignorance. This nation is founded on the separation of church and state to prevent the terror of state religion.

Jesus never existed. The bible is the product of a thousand years of editing, revising, burning and war. The words of your religion are there to guide your soul's conduct. If you want to believe that Jesus is the way the truth and the light, fine. But there is no room for Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna or any other deity or saint in the framework of a Republic. We are nation ruled by law, not state religion.

And if we are to assume that the law comes from the bible, then why is it not illegal to where mixed fiber clothing? Why is not illegal to eat meat and dairy together? Why is not illegal to eat pork or shell fish? Why is it not illegal for a woman to have her period? Or for you to poop?

All of you religious zealots are picking and choosing your biblical laws to live by. Go ahead, pick and choose. But don't hand this nation your idiocy and hypocrisy as law-'cos it doesn't fly.

Preppin for the Holy-days

It's mid-November...time for the Christmahannakwanza decorations and merchandise to take over the shelves of every pharmacy, grocery store and gas station. I am sure that this year the parallels between our "sacred days" and our "consumerism" are starkly clearer than in years past. We are comin on the end of fall, the times when the harvest should be in; we should be making pies, making plans to be our loved ones and building the atmosphere of unity and gratefulness that pervades the months from November to January.

This year, though...we're worried...and tired. We have just come through a year of political wrestling; we have watched the financial bedrock dissolve into quicksand; merchants and retailers are ordering less stock for the holiday shopping season. Will we be eating on Thanks-giving? Will there be something to offer this holiday season?

This is the year we have been waiting for. For so long we have been watching the hands of corporatism encroach onto our Holy days. This year we can more readily embrace our true feelings regarding the Season of Light-that it is the spirit of the season to give lovingly of what your love has to offer. We can prepare our feasts of SPAM and zucchini bread; we can open our homes to our friends and loved ones and offer laughter instead of shiny wrapping; we can present our brothers and sisters with respect, admiration and perhaps a hand-me-down sweater or two!

When we are faced with degradation, we can take the high road. No, the high road is not walked with Pradas, it is not traveled in a new BMW-but it is certainly more elegant, more dignified, and will live longer in the hearts, minds and memories of everyone with whom we share that road. Our spirit is the Holiday cheer we seek. Our songs and our lovingly home-made gifts and simple dinners will burn more brightly against the bleak back drop of our times than all of the boxes we could schlep out of a mall.

I am prepared for a bare Thanksgiving-Christmahannakwanza-New Year. It shall be an enlightening and beautiful experience to share these days of Light without the distraction of needless shopping, and the spending of so much time playing into the Corporatization of our most joyful time of year.

Happy Holy-Day Warm Up!!!!

Jail not Bail

So, here we go. More money to be handed over to investors who obviously cannot be trusted with investing. If the entire Financial sector, and now the auto makers, cannot keep their businesses going-why are we going to give them trillions of dollars to play with?

These bailouts amount to loans taken out, in the name of the American People, from countries like China and Saudi Arabia. I personally don't know anyone who wants to take out a loan from a dictatorship like China or Saudi Arabia-most of us have more sense than that! So why are we as a nation taking that step? Why do we, the American People, need to support companies that have made it a practice to ship jobs out of the country? Why do we save companies that have utilized such horrid practices that they are now bankrupt? If a citizen spends all his resources (cash, credit, equity, etc) on shady, malfeasant ventures-would he not end up broke and possibly in JAIL?

These bailouts are nothing short of State Capitalism-often referred to as FASCISM. Demanding that the People keep capitalism running (which benefits none but the investors) is enforcing an economic dictatorship (again-see FASCISM). When the profit is kept privatized but the debt is socialized, you have the beginnings of...that's right, you guessed it-FASCISM.

The quickest way to destroy this nation's livelihood is to follow the Democrat/Republican plan-continue to hand the wealthy anything they ask for-War, Torture, Trillions in bailouts, Weakened EPA standards, and NO REGULATION.

Perhaps we need to let the system's just unfortunate that all of us at the bottom of the economic totem pole, who have seen this coming and been kept out of the conference rooms, will be sunk with it.

My Starving Brothers and Sisters

Oh, we ache. We starve. We work for a future that only faith assures us is tangible. Looking out on the world and daily seeing the faces of my generation grown gaunt-wounds my soul. It is not for nothing that we shed our baby fat. It is not in vain that our faces grow lines with worry. The ferocity within us shall set us free.

Every generation is graced with vision. Some generations allow that grace to fall into ruin. But not us, Brothers and Sisters. We have far too far to go, and none of us shall get there if we are not working for each other. If hindsight is 20/20, then we have 5 million years of human hindsight to go on. We cannot wait for the retrospect of our days; we are making history with every breath and the only retrospect is that of generations past.

The coming days shall be ugly. The coming President shall be as useless as his predecessors. But the coming days offer us, the People, a great chance to stand as a unified front and demand an end to imperialist policies. We know "free trade" to be an attack on the workers, who produce wealth for the CEO's. We know that providing national health care is not only smart, it is right. By denying We the People health and education, we are caged into lives plagued with illness and ignorance-all for the sake of dividends to be cashed by someone who already has too much money.

My starving Brothers and Sisters-it is for you that I fight. Brothers and Sisters-it is for us that I scream into the face of the beast. I see the beauty that lives within each of us, I see its divinity and I salute the fire of our lives.

I fight the good fight, I keep the faith-tend this flame with me, and we shall see better days.