Friday, November 21, 2008

Preppin for the Holy-days

It's mid-November...time for the Christmahannakwanza decorations and merchandise to take over the shelves of every pharmacy, grocery store and gas station. I am sure that this year the parallels between our "sacred days" and our "consumerism" are starkly clearer than in years past. We are comin on the end of fall, the times when the harvest should be in; we should be making pies, making plans to be our loved ones and building the atmosphere of unity and gratefulness that pervades the months from November to January.

This year, though...we're worried...and tired. We have just come through a year of political wrestling; we have watched the financial bedrock dissolve into quicksand; merchants and retailers are ordering less stock for the holiday shopping season. Will we be eating on Thanks-giving? Will there be something to offer this holiday season?

This is the year we have been waiting for. For so long we have been watching the hands of corporatism encroach onto our Holy days. This year we can more readily embrace our true feelings regarding the Season of Light-that it is the spirit of the season to give lovingly of what your love has to offer. We can prepare our feasts of SPAM and zucchini bread; we can open our homes to our friends and loved ones and offer laughter instead of shiny wrapping; we can present our brothers and sisters with respect, admiration and perhaps a hand-me-down sweater or two!

When we are faced with degradation, we can take the high road. No, the high road is not walked with Pradas, it is not traveled in a new BMW-but it is certainly more elegant, more dignified, and will live longer in the hearts, minds and memories of everyone with whom we share that road. Our spirit is the Holiday cheer we seek. Our songs and our lovingly home-made gifts and simple dinners will burn more brightly against the bleak back drop of our times than all of the boxes we could schlep out of a mall.

I am prepared for a bare Thanksgiving-Christmahannakwanza-New Year. It shall be an enlightening and beautiful experience to share these days of Light without the distraction of needless shopping, and the spending of so much time playing into the Corporatization of our most joyful time of year.

Happy Holy-Day Warm Up!!!!

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