Friday, November 21, 2008

My Starving Brothers and Sisters

Oh, we ache. We starve. We work for a future that only faith assures us is tangible. Looking out on the world and daily seeing the faces of my generation grown gaunt-wounds my soul. It is not for nothing that we shed our baby fat. It is not in vain that our faces grow lines with worry. The ferocity within us shall set us free.

Every generation is graced with vision. Some generations allow that grace to fall into ruin. But not us, Brothers and Sisters. We have far too far to go, and none of us shall get there if we are not working for each other. If hindsight is 20/20, then we have 5 million years of human hindsight to go on. We cannot wait for the retrospect of our days; we are making history with every breath and the only retrospect is that of generations past.

The coming days shall be ugly. The coming President shall be as useless as his predecessors. But the coming days offer us, the People, a great chance to stand as a unified front and demand an end to imperialist policies. We know "free trade" to be an attack on the workers, who produce wealth for the CEO's. We know that providing national health care is not only smart, it is right. By denying We the People health and education, we are caged into lives plagued with illness and ignorance-all for the sake of dividends to be cashed by someone who already has too much money.

My starving Brothers and Sisters-it is for you that I fight. Brothers and Sisters-it is for us that I scream into the face of the beast. I see the beauty that lives within each of us, I see its divinity and I salute the fire of our lives.

I fight the good fight, I keep the faith-tend this flame with me, and we shall see better days.

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