Monday, December 1, 2008

More Heartless Apologies

Ain't it grand that a war mongering bastard can go on national television and "apologize"? A few weeks ago President Bush went on the waves to say that Laura had admonished him on his choice of words. The President said that "bring 'em on" and "mission accomplished" may have sent the wrong message to the People and to our "enemies".

Well, I have news for you, asshole. That sad sack apology, and the one you are now puking out on Charlie Gibson's show, are not accepted. You cannot leave office the most hated man in the history of the world and make it OK with "I was unprepared for war". Any President who enters office with plans drawn up to invade and partition another nation is clearly preparing for war. Any President who receives intelligence memos saying "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" is clearly going to have to prepare for the possibility of war. Deliberately antagonizing "enemies" that you yourself will never have to face down is not only adding fuel to their fire-it is endangering the welfare of the soldiers you are sending in to do your dirty work. Calling the Iraq invasion and war a victory, a "Mission Accomplished" was not only sending the wrong message, it was a slap in the face to the servicemen and their families who have not finished accomplishing your mission.

What this War Criminal failed to do with his apologies was to apologize. It was the apology of a serial abuser: "I know I beat the hell out of you, and put you in the hospital...but I'm sorry, baby. I love you. I won't do that again". The profound lack of feeling any responsibility for all of the damage [he] caused is excruciating to bare. He has asked us to forgive him for putting his foot in his mouth. He has asked us to forgive him for encouraging practices that led directly to our economic collapse. He has asked forgiveness for destroying the fabric of freedom. He asked us to forgive him for failing as a man, as an American and as a President...because he loves us?? Because he's leaving the White House and won't be around to abuse us any longer? Does he think these "apologies" will quiet our demands for prosecution and imprisonment??

Well, unlike a forgiving partner, this traitor has abused the American People. We are not one lost, loving, frightened victim. We are hundreds of millions of strong, tenacious, just People. The precedent set by these monsters will be set right. The pattern of abuse will be ended-and these fuckers will end up where all monsters belong-in dank holes, far away from civilization.

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