Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Year for Strong Women

Through the process of electoral politics this year, we have been blessed with the voices of some strong women. Cynthia McKinney, running on the Green Party ticket for President with VP Rosa Clemente, and Cindy Sheehan, running as an Independent in California's 8th Congressional District.

McKinney was the first House member to introduce articles of impeachment against state terrorists George Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice. Throughout the aftermath of September 11th, McKinney did not shy away from demanding real investigations into the many unanswered questions surrounding the event. She bravely called out the grave possibility (and as we learned, reality) of the administration having prior knowledge of an imminent attack. She voted against the illegal invasion of Iraq and has fought the anti-Constitutional legislation drives of the last eight years.

Cindy Sheehan has also been a loud voice for accountability. From her days camping in front of the Bush "ranch" in Crawford, TX to running for Congress, Sheehan has looked the corporate beast in the face and called it by its name. Not one to mince words, Sheehan has stated quite plainly that Bush is a terrorist and that domestic surveillance, illegal war, rendition and torture and the takeover of America by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street amount to a coup.

These two women stand far above the level of integrity that any Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin or Nancy Pelosi could ever reach. It takes uncompromising dedication to something much larger than one's self to speak as a defender of freedom. Neither of these ladies has been co-opted by the corporate power structure. Neither of these women are willing to make compromises with the elite for the sake of a political career.

In the wake of the elections, as America celebrates the soon to be end of the Bush Regime, the voices of Cynthia McKinney and Cindy Sheehan will continue to lead the People. The clarity of vision, the true change that these fine Americans bring to the national discourse is vital. It is the strength of such ladies that forged the Revolutionary generation. It is their faith in what freedom means, and how tangible it truly is, that sets the souls of a nation ablaze for something brighter. Neither lady is serving in elected office this year, but neither lady is backing down from the fight, and neither lady has abdicated her duty to the defense of Liberty.

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