Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Return of Light

Here we are-solstice. Hannukah. Christmas and Kwanza. What do we celebrate? The return of the Sun, of course. Since our earliest days, man has stood in awe of the return of the Sun with the winter solstice. Though we may celebrate the "birth of the lord" we are really celebrating the return of the light, the point when the short days have reached their shortest-and now the slow return of the warmth of the Sun can be keenly felt.

It is no coincidence that every salvationist religion turns the time of the winter solstice into a celebration for the birth of some "lord". Is is, after all, nearly impossible to undo millions of years of human habit and spiritual evolution. No matter what religion may be currently claiming the winter (or spring) holy days, the face of creation is not overshadowed. The ever turning world, the ever growing universe do not bow to new saviors-only the old laws of life. That summer shall fall into winter-that winter too shall rule and cede its throne. That this shining jewel of a planet will one day wither and pass on into new form. That the tides of life are eternal, and all have a place in creation.

I wish no merry christmases. I wish only peace, in this "season of peace". I wish that all those herding to church or temple or gift laden tree would look past the superiority of their dogma, and see that divine charge which flows through all life. I wish that this year christians and jews and muslims and salvationists of all stripes, will LISTEN to the words of their chosen lords, and live and work in peace.

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