Friday, November 21, 2008

Jail not Bail

So, here we go. More money to be handed over to investors who obviously cannot be trusted with investing. If the entire Financial sector, and now the auto makers, cannot keep their businesses going-why are we going to give them trillions of dollars to play with?

These bailouts amount to loans taken out, in the name of the American People, from countries like China and Saudi Arabia. I personally don't know anyone who wants to take out a loan from a dictatorship like China or Saudi Arabia-most of us have more sense than that! So why are we as a nation taking that step? Why do we, the American People, need to support companies that have made it a practice to ship jobs out of the country? Why do we save companies that have utilized such horrid practices that they are now bankrupt? If a citizen spends all his resources (cash, credit, equity, etc) on shady, malfeasant ventures-would he not end up broke and possibly in JAIL?

These bailouts are nothing short of State Capitalism-often referred to as FASCISM. Demanding that the People keep capitalism running (which benefits none but the investors) is enforcing an economic dictatorship (again-see FASCISM). When the profit is kept privatized but the debt is socialized, you have the beginnings of...that's right, you guessed it-FASCISM.

The quickest way to destroy this nation's livelihood is to follow the Democrat/Republican plan-continue to hand the wealthy anything they ask for-War, Torture, Trillions in bailouts, Weakened EPA standards, and NO REGULATION.

Perhaps we need to let the system's just unfortunate that all of us at the bottom of the economic totem pole, who have seen this coming and been kept out of the conference rooms, will be sunk with it.

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