Friday, December 5, 2008

Nancy a Whore

Last night, myself and some other die-hards trundled on down to the San Francisco Historical Society. We had heard through the grapevine that La Pelosi was going to be there, hawking her new book "Know Your Power: A Message to America's Daughters". True enough, there she was, in all her millionaire glory.

Pelosi regaled the audience with her "folksy" stories of growing up in a mayor's mansion, her deep Roman Catholic faith, her great power ("President, Vice-President, Speaker of the House" as she is fond of reiterating). And when all was said and done, she had no time for questions-just autographs and picture taking.

Through out her speaking engagement, we outside kept a loud speaking engagement of our own. "What about the Geneva Conventions?" "War Criminal" "Corporate Whore". Every time the door to the historical society opened, the assembled audience was treated to the sounds of the First Amendment in action. Apparently she did address our presence, under the impression that all we want is for "George Bush to be impeached". We want more than that.

We want investigations. We want Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic majority to live up to their word and end the war. For two years the Dems have been playing the "We don't approve of this war or this administration" card. Well, for two years, with Pelosi at the helm of the House, we have gotten nowhere. La Pelosi was briefed on illegal domestic-surveillance, rendition, torture and black-site prisons. And did she uphold her oath to defend our Constitution, which prohibits such actions?? No. She endorsed them and kept quiet.

Now, Nancy Pelosi, Queen of the Whores (no offense to sex workers!!) is selling out the People in the most literal fashion. She has refused to hold the government (George Bush's Government) accountable-and she is handing Wall Street and the Big Auto and Oil Industries the same get out of jail free card. She is endorsing multi-trillion dollar bailouts for her social cirlce-the Wall Street Elite. She has supported ending the Endangered Species Act, turned course and endorsed more off-shore oil drilling; she continues to bring every war funding and military appropriations bill to table while keeping Constitutional Accountability in a dank closet somewhere.

Nancy Pelosi is a Whore. A moral whore; a corporate whore; war whore. She will sell anything sacred to the People for another million in stock options. She will gladly drop bombs on school children to cash a dividend check. The only time this "Representative" shows up in the district is to hawk her book or fund raise. She refuses to hold or come to Town Halls and makes a policy of throwing People out of her office.

Nancy Pelosi, you are a Whore, lacking in all integrity. It is a great shame that we must pay for your poor management and your crimes against the People.

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