Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pelosi-You Moron!

So, somehow this week, Madame Pelosi has somehow acknowledged crimes against the Constitution committed by the Bush regime. Now, not two months ago, this bitch was saying that there was no evidence that Bush had done anything wrong; if anyone happened to know of any, to please pass it along. Perhaps someone forwarded Lady Pelosi a link to youtube.

While she is not saying an investigation will take place, while she is not saying anything will happen, she is saying "possibly" this can happen. Possibly we can hold war criminals and people who have committed crimes against humanity accountable. Possibly.

The initial reaction is what you would expect. People saying "gee, whore, you could have started this process years ago. We know you are just as guilty as everyone else". And of course, there are millions of Americans who know that just as many Dems have dirtied their hands with their Republican war criminal buddies. And the Pelosis (Mr & Mrs) are pretty dirty!

We need accountability. In the first month of his administration, President Obama has said he will close Guantanamo, whilst continuing to render prisoners to other countries, to be tortured by our allies. His Attorney General, Eric Holder, has taken the Bushite position in defending the US government and allies from lawsuits pursuant to their collaboration in rendition missions, that ultimately led, of course, to torture. How is closing one prison, and saying we will not torture any change at all, when we are in fact continuing to send innocent civilians off to foreign lands to be tortured by our closest dictator-allies??

Anyone walkin' around still saying the Democrats are the party of progressives is clearly deluded. We are just as enmeshed in fighting the Corporate interests of the Democratic Party as we are fighting of fascist Republicans. The "New Direction Democrats" have sold every principle we hold dear down the river. Obama may stand for us on one or two issues-but We the People are still on our own.

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